As Seen on Modern Mississauga

Mind, Body, Spirit & Space

This article was published in the Winter 2022 issue of Modern Mississauga Magazine. To see the full issue, click here.

Designing homes “mindfully” has become increasingly popular, especially over the last few years as we are all spending more time inside our homes and experiencing first-hand just how drastically our spaces us can affect our mind, body and spirit.

As someone who’s made a career as a mindful home and lifestyle designer, I often have people ask me what “mindful design” means and why it’s so important. 

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is form of meditation, with both formal and informal practices. It is also a way of living — a life skill. It utilizes your senses to engage in the present moment. It’s done with openness, acceptance and non-judgement. 

Essentially, it’s about giving our full attention to what we are doing at any one moment in time. Being mindful in everyday life is about being present and connecting to the senses as we go about our day.

Mindfulness & Your Home
Bringing mindfulness into your home design means utilizing these principles to help create a living space and lifestyle that reflects the wants and needs of those living inside. It allows us to create a home environment that nourishes us and allows us to live with ease and less stress. 

As a professional home designer, tapping to mindfulness principles allows me to help create spaces that are better aligned with my clients’ core values, as well as prioritize functionality over a trendy aesthetic.

Houses into Homes
A mindfully created home becomes a place of peace, where we can be ourselves, feel safe and reconnect with those around us. It’s a place of grounding and nourishment — a sanctuary from the demands of daily life outside the walls. 

In today’s overly stressful world, it’s becoming more important for us to have a place to just stop, slow down and breathe in a way that soothes and calms our nervous systems — a place to disconnect and reconnect.

I challenge you to select a space inside your home and just stand there. Maybe it’s your master bedroom or your home office. Now close your eyes and just breathe. Engage all of your senses and just feel the room’s energy. When you open your eyes, notice how you feel. If the space isn’t conjuring the energy you want, then maybe it’s time for a little mindful redesign!


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